
Humanities◆ Japanese Language and Culture ◆ English Language and Culture ◆ Communications ◆ Psychology ◆ History and GeographyEngineering◆ Mechanical Engineering ◆ Electrical Engineering◆ Electronics and Information Engineering ◆ Civil Engineering◆ Architecture ◆ Applied Chemistry ◆ Computer Science◆ Robotic Science and TechnologyInternational StudiesBusiness Administrationand Information ScienceThe aim of this college is to nurture engineers who have a thorough knowledge of specialized fields, as well as a deep understanding of the mutual relationship between technologies and decision-making. Students completely master the outlook and thinking models necessary to the field of engineering and learn teamwork practices indispensable to the development of modern technology.This college has an interdisciplinary focus, integrating business administration studies and information/computing studies. Graduates will be experts in the management, accountancy and computer science skills essential to modern business.The mission of this college is the cultivation of graduates who can paint a 21st century worldview. Through the study of the politics, economics, society, and culture of eight world regions, along with an emphasis on foreign language education, the college of International Studies strives to nurture specialists who view countries across the globe without prejudice.This college offers a diversified and comprehensive approach to “cultured education.” Students read, listen, and discuss a particular theme or concept, and through the study of various media, they refine their powers of expression, planning, and creativity.Undergraduate Courses◆ Management Synthesis ◆ Business Administration and Information Science◆ Management ◆ Business Accounting◆ International Studies ◆ International Relations ◆ Comparative Cultures ◆ China Studies

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