
Nurturing the character of our students and equipping them with cutting-edge knowledge and real-world skills, in order to foster the contemplation of fundamental questions about humanity HumanitiesIn order for we as Japanese to live together with the people of the world, it is necessary for us to rst appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of Japanese culture and further rene our own values. In the Department of Japanese Language and Culture, students will develop a deep understanding of the Japanese language and culture from the perspective of "Japan in the World," and they will be prepared to take on active roles in society in a multitude of disciplines.Japanese Language and CultureStudents in the Department of English Language and Culture will acquire practical English language skills and a rich international outlook through small, level-based classes taught by native English-speak-ing faculty. ey will also have the opportunity to participate in one or more of the various study abroad programs oered, including a one-semester study abroad program at Ohio University in the United States. rough their studies, students will develop a deep understanding of the history and culture of English-speaking countries. ey will mature into strong-minded international citizens, who will be able to actively engage in English-speaking professions.English Language and CultureGraduates of the Department of Communications will have an expertise in culture and information, and they will be able to make independent decisions in an advanced information society. To this end, students learn theories of modern media communication and methods for collecting, evaluating, processing, editing and disseminating information. In-studio image production coursework and collaborative projects with the community are also an integral part of the curriculum.Communicationse Department of Psychology presents objective ways of looking at and analyzing psychology as a behavioral science. Graduates are healthy, mature members of society who have a thorough understand-ing of specialized elds, such as cognitive, developmental, social, educational and clinical psychology, and are capable of understanding and applying the mechanisms of the mind and dealing with psycholog-ical problems.Psychologye Department of History and Geography encourages the consideration and study of a wide range of phenomena and problems in a systematic way, combining both "historical context" and "geographical perspective." Students will develop a sense of discernment and perception, as well as a historical and geographical sense that is imperative for life in the present generation. Student-led research fosters skills that will be useful in a variety of disciplines.History and Geography07

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