GLOCAL vol.12

2018 Vol.122018 Vol.122018 Vol.122018 Vol.1213Big data and Predictive Policingsocial problems waiting to be solved related to Predictive Policing. Introduction When we mention predictive policing, many people may pop up the movie “Minority Report” in their head. But is the reality look the same? In my study, I would like to find out the latest criminal prediction technology and social problems come with that.What is predictive policing? Predictive policing is the application of analytical techniques, particularly quantitative techniques, to identify likely targets for police intervention and prevent crime or solve past crimes by making statistical predictions. I do want to emphasize here, predictive policing methods is not equivalent to making sure who the target is.How to predict The crime prediction can be separated into 2 categories, which is 1, the person who is going to commit crime. 2, the place and time the crime is going to happen. And the technology we are using now is more leading to predict the place and the time the crime is about to happen. However, “Chicago Hot list” does have a group of names of the people who is more likely to commit crime or more likely to be the victim of certain crimes. I would include further explanation in my future papers.Social Issues In my study, it is already clear that nowadays, there are several PD(Police Department) already applying the usage of big data predictive policing into their working methods, then what are the problems we might come across in the future and what we need to think in advance? First, if we can find the exact criminal who is going to commit crime, is it reasonable for the police to arrest this person in order to prevent the crime from happening? If so, is there going to be any specific changes in the law system? If not, what is the point of having the police to protect the citizens and having the law system? Second, what if the prediction being the trigger of the crime? Anyway, there is still a sets of 国際人間研究科 国際関係学専攻 博士前期課程1年黄 文傑(Wenjie Huang)Born and raised in Beijing, China. Graduated from Ohio University, USA.Study predictive policing and the social problems come along.

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