
授業計画7【内容】Chapter 2 Review and Test【授業外学習】Chapter 2 test8【内容】Chapter 3: The Linguistics of Second Language Acquisition. The nature of language, early approaches to SLA.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 39【内容】Chapter 3: The Linguistics of Second Language Acquisition. Early approaches to SLA continued.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 310【内容】Chapter 3: The Linguistics of Second Language Acquisition. Universal grammar, Functional approaches.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 311【内容】Chapter 3 Review and test【授業外学習】Chapter 3 test12【内容】Chapter 4: The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition. Language and the brain, Learning processes.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 413【内容】Chapter 4: The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition. Complexity theory, differences in learners.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 414【内容】Chapter 4: The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition. Effects of multilingualism.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 415【内容】Chapter 4 Review【授業外学習】Chapter 4 test授業方法Lectures, discussion, tests, and written assignments. A weekly lecture is the main part of the lesson, supported by discussion and other in-class activities, with regular short written assignments and tests each chapter. Students will be expected to read from the textbook in preparation for each week's class.成績の評価方法Students' grades will be based on the following rubric: In-class participation and preparation: 30%, Tests and quizzes: 35%, Written assignments: 35%. In addition, students will lose 10% from their final grade for each unexcused absence.成績の評価基準Based on University standards: 60% to pass. S = 90%, A = 80%, B = 70%, C = 60%.教科書No書籍名著者名出版社価格ISBN/ISSN1.『Introducing Second Language Acquisition, second edition』Muriel Saville-TroikeCambridge9781107648234参考文献備考関連ホームページオフィスアワーCopyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2005-201159 英語で学ぶ言語習得論A


