
科目名英語で学ぶ言語習得論A科目名(英訳)Language Acquisition Theory A科目ナンバー詳細情報担当者(非)は非常勤講師D.R.ローレンス単位数2開講学年3年開講セメスター春期毎週対象学科 選択・必修必修:選択:HF他学科受講履修順序履修情報担当者及び時間割カリキュラムの中での位置付けIn this class students will learn the basic theories and principles of language acquisition. This means students will learn about how people acquire and learn a language. Before taking this class students should have a good command of English as well as a basic understanding of linguistic theory. This is an excellent class for students wishing to teach a language.身につく基礎力授業の主旨(概要)This is an intensive lecture course, conducted entirely in English exactly as a similar course would be conducted at an English-speaking university. The course will center around lectures, and students will be expected to read in preparation for class, participate in discussions, write short papers and take tests in English.具体的達成目標By the time students finish this semester, they will understand the fundamentals of linguistic theories of language acquisition, and be able to discuss and write about those theories in English.1【内容】Chapter 1: Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Course overview, introduction.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 12【内容】Chapter 1: Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Discussion of concepts.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 13【内容】Chapter 2: Foundations of SLA. Multilingualism, the nature of language learning.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 24【内容】Chapter 2: Foundations of Second Language Acquisition. L1 versus L2 learning.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 25【内容】Chapter 2: Foundations of Second Language Acquisition. Issues in language learning.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 26【内容】Chapter 2: Foundations of Second Language Acquisition. Frameworks for SLA.【授業外学習】Readings from Chapter 259 英語で学ぶ言語習得論A


